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Morning Havan

Morning Havan

The morning Havan at Namaste Dwaar is a favourite amongst guests.

Havan, Yagya, or Homa is referred to as a fire ritual, where we provide herbal sacrifices to the holy fire. The fire is said to destroy the offering and purify the environment. The chanting of mantras creates a revitalizing and rejuvenating effect on body and mind.

At Namaste Dwaar we offer a daily Havan to the divine. The Havan Kund is located in the wellness wing. It is surrounded by pristine greens, the Ayurveda-shalas, and the Satvik Kitchen. It is close to the organic farms as well.

Many of our guests partake in the daily Havan ritual, some for faith and some out of curiosity. Each leaves fulfilled and peaceful.

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